
Hi, Welcome to my blog!
Name: Samantha (Sammie) Peters
Location: Wisconsin
Who is The Skirtaholic?
In short, I am a fashion lover stuck in the sometimes fashionable Midwest (Hoping to move to London or the East coast). I am currently studying Communications in University. I am a lover of books, history, travel, writing, God, and all things British, and nerdy, and of course fashionable. My blog name the Skirtaholic is based on the fact that I only wear skirts. It is part personal preference and part religion. If you have questions about it feel free to ask.
My blogging journey:
For the longest time I hesitated to create a personal style blog despite a strong want to. I used to be worried that people wouldn’t want to read my blog because I wore skirts and that it made me unfashionable. But after High School I ended up becoming a very open person who wasn’t insecure about wearing skirts anymore and so I happily started this blog. My blogging journey was a long one that started in Middle School but this is the first professonal style blog I have had in which I showcase my personal outfits. In Middle School I had a personal blog where I wrote about my life as well as posted my short stories and poems. Then near the end of Middle School and early High School I started my first fashion blog. With that blog I focused on style inspiration and how-to posts ( I did not post personal photos). It was geared towards teen girls and included everything from fashion, beauty, health and lifestyle. I ran it with a group of girls around my age but as I got more into my first year of High School I got busy and had to leave as it became pretty popular and took up a lot of time. I then ran a blog for a bit on tumblr where I created celebrity outfits on a budget but again I got busy. Eventually I switched over to Sammiesstyle because I was bold enough to post my outfits. I ran that on tumblr for a bit and it then grew into Theskirtaholic. I still have a tumblr but I am happy to be running my own professional blog and I am happy to share it all with you!
Thank you for being apart of my journey!
*Important Note: My outfit posts will exemplify my views (skirt wearing), but as a stylist, sets I create may include pants to better fit my readers. I understand not everyone has the same views.*
-Sammie xx

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